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High Floor vs Low Floor Unit: Which One Is Better?

The question that is on everyone's mind when planning to purchase a condo or HDB Flat.

Now, most will choose units on a higher level because the consensus is that they are better because they offer more privacy and better views. Most of the time, higher floor tends to be sold faster even though there is a premium tagged to it.

But are high floor units really better? Let's take a look at pros of living on high floor vs low floor:

Higher Floor or Lower Floor Unit: How to Decide?

So which one should you pick? The best way to decide is to choose according to the needs of you and your family.

If you don’t mind the hustle and bustle of the area, and don’t think it’s worth forking out more to live in the same development, then go for lower floor units. They are also safer if you have young children or elderly members. To some, the main benefit of living on a lower floor is that you spend less time waiting for the lift, which can be a huge headache when the lift is faulty.

If you value your privacy and wants to enjoy the views of the surrounding area, then go for the higher floor units. Your home will get windy at different parts of the year. More importantly, your home would likely fetch a higher resale value in the future as buyers would generally pay more for units that are located on higher floors.

Is It Better to Live On a Higher Floor?

Generally, you also have better views of the surrounding and get more wind ventilation all year long. Furthermore, higher floor units tend to command higher resale value.

Why Is High Floor Units More Expensive?

Living on higher floors means you have more privacy as you’re further away from the hustle and bustle of the area. Upper floor units also offer better views and ventilation.

Is It Better to Buy A Ground Floor or Low Floor Unit?

If you don’t like waiting for the lifts and want convenient access, then ground floor or lower floor units are better for you. Some ground floor units offer an outdoor patio which can be used for gardening.

Which Floor Unit Is The Best?

Higher floor units offer more privacy, better security and better resale value. Lower floor units offer convenience and they are also cheaper.

I have a secret formula to select the unit that will help you enjoy a higher profit margin when you sell your property in future? Let me share with you over coffee and cake.

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